Oversees administrative functions of the STNC and sets the board meeting agendas.
Meetings are usually held two weeks prior to the monthly STNC board meeting unless otherwise noticed.
Meetings are also usually held immediately following the monthly Budget & Finance Committee meeting and in the same meeting location which is currently APPERSON STREET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Woodward & Apperson, in the auditorium. Enter from the Apperson side. Street Parking only.
Contact: secretary@stnc.org
Executive Committee Members
Lydia Grant, President
Lallah Rowe, First Vice President Community Improvement
Mapi Moran, Second Vice President Outreach
Carol Hutchinson, Treasurer
Cindy Cleghorn, Corresponding Secretary
Karen Moran, Recording Secretary
Section 2: Agenda Setting - The Executive Committee shall establish the agendas for regular STNC meetings at Executive Committee meetings called for that purpose. These agenda meetings shall be open to the public and subject to the requirements of the Brown Act.
Executive Officers are expected to act in the interest of the STNC and the Sunland- Tujunga community as a whole.
Meetings are held currently at APPERSON STREET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Woodward & Apperson, in the auditorium. Enter from the Apperson side. Street Parking only.
If you would like to be notified of our meetings and receive agendas via email,
click here and sign up by checking the NC box.