18 FEB 2025
We had no January 2025 meeting due to Los Angeles' horrific fires. Our officers helped with evacuations, peacekeeping and discouraging looters.
► 28 people attended February's meeting at Tujunga Joselito's. It was led by Sunland's Senior Lead Officer (SLO) Will Godoy—(213) 713-0802, [email protected].
Officer Eric Herrera— (213) 400-7358, [email protected]—Foothill Div's SLO for Homeless Issues, responded to questions on that topic. We are lucky to have him, as no other Valley division has a Homeless Coordinator! When feasible, he takes most homeless matters off other officers' plates!
Tujunga SLO Gloria Caloca was unable to attend.
► CRIME STATS: Sunland and Tujunga are doing well!
Sunland was #1, and Tujunga #2, in overall crime reduction at Foothill Div!
Sunland was 45 crimes, now 34.
Tujunga was 30, only now 17.
Sunland's domestic violence (DV) is down, perhaps aided by weather. DV rises in summer and during long rainy periods.
Violent personal crimes: -21%. Property crimes: -23.
This reduction occurred even though Foothill patrol was at half-force due to fires, protests and student walkouts.
SLO Godoy says S-T's 311 and MyLA311 reports to the City are high! He frequently points out our participation is a BIG help, per the classic "Broken Window Effect":
A community's cleanliness shows its people care and actively work toward a better community. Broken windows, lack of paint, graffiti, and abandoned vehicles tell crims that public observation and participation are lax.
At this stage of the ongoing investigation, the tragedy seems the result of a love triangle in which guns were pointed in both directions! Fortunately, the shooter self-reported himself via 911 and was soon detained. A body and gun were found on site.
► FOOTHILL'S DOMESTIC ABUSE RESPONSE TEAM (DART) ALWAYS NEEDS BABY & TODDLER ITEMS, from diapers to feeding to clothing. Children are often removed from danger in a hurry, so these items may be left behind, or never present.
Please see:
Please drop off baby and toddler items at Foothill Station. No appointment needed!
► PEDESTRIAN FATALITY AT SCOVILLE, 11:15PM: The driver, who was not speeding, stopped as law demands. The elderly jaywalker died.
Not related: Tinted windshields reduce driver visibility two ways. They make dark objects hard to see, especially at night. Also, as your eyes' irises open up to take in more light, fewer things stay in focus!
► KIDS' FIGHT AT MT. GLEASON sent one boy to the hospital. He was to receive an award that day but, of course, could not. The root cause of this event is unclear. Per LAUSD rules, the other student has not been expelled or suspended. LAUSD School Police are barred from school grounds by our elected LAUSD board.
► SCHOOL WALKOUTS VIOLATE TRUANCY LAWS, even during civic protests, absent a permission slip. So far, no penalties for truant student have been reported. Teachers, admins and parents have also participated in LAUSD's walkouts, and these adults often keep kids on sidewalks.
However, could LAUSD be financially liable if a student is injured, causes a traffic accident, or destroys property? The LAUSD School board—elected by the public!—is in charge of all rules and administrative actions.
One charter school didn’t permit students to walk out.
To date, no ICE raids have been seen here. One ICE truck and its team upset people when they stopped, got out and ate lunch. Even liberal LA Times reports the infrequency of raids "doesn't match the hype."
SLO Godoy declined to answer how many they were, where they're from, etc. He only said the gang had been under ongoing surveillance and were caught that way.
As usual, when prisoners await trial, it's probable some are out on bail.
► PATRICK NO LONGER FIGHTS LAPD who accompany his Sanitation cleanups. Past experience made a protective team necessary. Homeless services and LAHSA also accompany.
But Patrick soon despoils an area after cleanups. He reportedly sets fires and has been arrested several times on various charges and warrants. He has been 5150’d (mental case detention) then was cut loose. He's had free housing but deserted it. He grew up in this area and likes it. His smoking meth pipes in public is just a citation.
An occupied vehicle used for living and sleeping cannot legally be impounded and towed away, absent other infractions like stealing power, hazardous waste.
However, if an RV resident is arrested, his/her vehicle may no longer be inhabited so can then be towed.
► LAPD DISPATCH (NOT OFFICERS!) DEFINES which calls get which level of urgency. The electronic system requires that officers ALWAYS and MUST show up! But your urgency may be low, they may come by late at night, see nothing, and proceed without waking you.
► FOOD TRUCKS ARE ALLOWED and are required to have a permit. Pop-up tables are illegal. Health Departments are "law enforcement" but unarmed.
When restaurants' business is affected, they should band together to lobby Sacramento, but "public sympathy" sides with food trucks and street vendors.
► LAPD CAN'T JUST REMOVE HOMELESS FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY. They MUST have owner's/manager's blessing. Some owners are highly involved, others not. Many properties are trusts or LLC's, so owners are hard to reach. If they're far away, they may not care or respond.
Adjoining properties with unclear boundaries—and/or public owners—are a huge challenge.
On sidewalks, most unhoused understand LAMC 41.18 (access to rights of way), so usually leave the required space for wheelchair passage.
Stop sign violations are ubiquitous, but there aren't enough officers to enforce them. A resident observed that fierce traffic enforcement would make millions for the City.
Everyone wants speed humps, but our Foothills' narrow roads, many turns, and hills must prioritize fire, ambulance and police response.
Our City Council voted to deny funds for additional traffic officers. Grrr!
- Tujunga Senior Lead Officer: Officer Gloria Caloca: [email protected]
- Sunland SLO: Officer Wil Godoy: [email protected]
- Homeless Issues: Officer Eric Herrera: [email protected]
- Traffic: Officer Sal Venegas: [email protected]
► THANK YOU for being part of our Foothills' solutions, not its problems!