Take This Survey !!! Oro VIsta Avenue Green Infrastructure Project Presentatioon
Posted on 06/07/2024
After STNC Meeting Update from LSAN:
Please see below for links to the plant palette survey in both English & Spanish. The QR codes as well (blue for English, Green for Spanish). Feel free to share far and wide as we want everyone to have a chance to weigh in on what they prefer for our greening elements! This survey will be open until early July, so we have plenty of time to get feedback from the community.
Here is the link for the English survey:
Here is the link to the Spanish Survey
As I mentioned, I believe our project's outreach consultant is also currently working on an Armenian translation and we'll get that link to you as soon as it's ready. All our printed fact sheets, construction notices, etc. will be English/Spanish/Armenian as well.
Allison Arnold | Community Outreach Team
She / Her / Hers
City of Los Angeles
Department of Public Works
LA Sanitation & Environment | Clean Water Program Outreach Team
(213) 485-3221
LA Sanitation & Environment - Protecting public health and the environment through clean water, solid resources and watershed protection